Vangjush Vellahu
Where stories cut ...
Between boundaries...
Home Conversations
Unsettled: Where the...
[Between boundaries...]
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Fragments of Search...
Huang Xiaopeng
Where stories cut...
A tool of resistance, 2020
The act of observing became a fragile negotiation—an uneasy move between what could be seen and what was meant to remain hidden. In this moment, the air carried an unspoken weight, as though the very act of looking could disturb the delicate equilibrium of power. Uncertainty loomed like a shadow, stretching across boundaries both visible and unseen. To record was to risk rupture; to pause was to risk silence.
23 min 35 sec
2-channel video installation
Video HD, color, sound
Proofreading and Subtitles: Kari Leigh Rosenfeld
Color and Sound: Tristan Daniel Nicolas
This 6 photographs were taken autonomously on the camera during a run while filming "A tool of resistance". A moment that couldn't be documented. A moment that questions all the other undocumented moments. This were moments of fear. Fear that often results in partial footage, in blurred images, in cutting the subject out of the frame.
Series of 6 photographs,
Inkjet print, 148 × 35 mm each